Model 1876 Repeating Rifle

An early favorite of Teddy Roosevelt, this macho rifle was also a big seller in England, India, Africa, and Canada.

Essentially, a large version of the 1873. The Model 1876 was developed to handle more powerful cartridges. It incorporates several improvements over the M73 and is a much larger and stronger action. It was first chambered for .45-75. Later versions were available in .45-60, .50-95 Express, and .40-60 W.C.F. The 1876 made its debut in the summer of 1877. Less than 64,000 rifles were manufactured before it was dropped from the Winchester line in 1897.

Our reproduced 1876 stocks are designed to fit only early, original Winchester Model 1876 rifles, and are not intended for later, reproduced or reintroduced rifles. Despite rumors and claims to the contrary, these later models are not exact reproductions of early original Winchesters.

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Winchester 1876 Straight Grip/Crescent Style Buttstock

Original issue style stock machined for the 1876 curved-toe rifle buttplate. Stock is not drilled for a cleaning rod.

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Winchester 1876 Straight Grip/Shotgun Style Buttstock


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Winchester 1876 Rifle Forearm

These rifles were furnished with either round or octagonal barrels. Please select the proper barrel type.

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Winchester 1876 Shotgun Style Buttplate


Black plastic reproduced buttplate, with spur at top, checkered, with Winchester logo. For buttplate screws see below.

Winchester Buttplate Screws


A pair of blued screws of the proper size and configuration for Winchester rifle buttplates.
Deluxe Stock Finishing Kit

Stock Finishing Kits

Convenient in-a-box supplies for fitting and finishing stocks. Save money by ordering the kit!

We offer two stock finishing kits. The Standard Kit consists of inletting black, three grits of sandpaper, filler/sealer, PGW Classic Oil Finish, neutral colored gunstock wax, a green "Scotch-Brite" pad (replaces steel wool), polishing cloth, and brushes. Our Deluxe Kit adds a straight file, a half round file, and straight and curved hand gouges -- everything you need to properly fit and finish stocks at a savings over buying the products individually, in one handy box. The Standard Kit is $29.50; the Deluxe Kit is $49.50. Note: Due to Postal and Customs Regulations, we are unable to ship this item internationally, including shipments to Canada.